Hey there.

I’m Julie. And I’m so glad you’re here.

Sobriety is my jam. In a world that tries to convince you that you need alcohol to have fun, to socialize, to thrive, to cope, to relax… I’m here to show you the other side of that, and help you find it for yourself.

Because I promise – you don’t need alcohol.

I know what it’s like. You know you need to quit drinking, but something always seems to derail you. Or you’ve quit, but life still feels blah and empty, and you keep wondering… is this it?

Living a sober life CAN be amazing. But you’ve got to do the work to get there.

I’m here to show you what it looks like to create a life so full there’s no space left for alcohol.

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The author, looking out the door of a tent into the woods beyond. The photo was taken on a backpacking trip on the colorado trail, which led to sobriety from alcohol.

A Lesson From The Colorado Trail About Sobriety – And Life.

In 2021, two months before I quit drinking and took control of my life, I set out to backpack the 185 mile Collegiate Loop in the Rocky Mountains. I had planned to hike with a friend, but when that didn’t pan out, I decided I was about to learn how to solo hike.

I was scared to death… but I also knew it was something I needed to do.

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The Most under-Acknowledged Emotion Threatening Your Sobriety

I know an older woman who is so bitter that things have changed over the years, that life is so different now than it used to be, that she can’t enjoy Christmas anymore. Instead of finding joy in what is, she constantly thinks about how things were. 

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Image: A woman hands, holding a pen and a blank journal, poised to start writing. Image represents choosing journaling instead of just searching Am I An Alcoholic on the internet.

Five questions To Ask that are better than “am i an alcoholic?”

It was 2:30 in the morning, and I was awake with that middle of the night anxiety that seemed to be happening a little too often lately. Thoughts were churning. What had I said last night? Was my husband mad at me? How much had I actually drank… I remembered up to a certain point, but not much past that.

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Ready to dig deep into emotional recovery?

Our Weekly Podcast Will Show You How

In 2022, I joined Steve Knapp to create Through the Glass Recovery Podcast. We focus on emotional growth and how it creates lasting sobriety. I promise, it’s unlike any other sobriety podcast you’ve ever heard.

New to through the glass recovery Podcast?

Start here:

Want the whole list of episodes?

Click here for Through the Glass Recovery Podcast archives (125 episodes and counting!)

Personalized, Compassionate Sober Coaching

There’s a difference between “I need to quit drinking” and “I’m going to quit drinking.”

If you’re ready to quit, let’s chat. I will walk alongside you until you get your footing, supporting you through the hard stuff and guiding you through the work of recovery.

Click here to learn more about online recovery coaching

Adventures are better together.

Let me join you, and we’ll navigate all the twists and turns of this crazy path called sobriety together!

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